
2022年2月9日—SurfaceDuoGCamusersreadthisconcerningBlogpostbyCelsoaboutBSGmods.Camera.Thisiscoveredsomewhatinanearlierpostherefor ...,2023年10月5日—如果要下載GCam又擔心病毒的話,可以到CelsoAzevedo經營的「GCamHub」下載,這是蒐羅最多GCamAPK的網站,網站APK皆經過VirusPortal掃毒。GCamHub的 ...,,2023年3月20日—AtravésdelblogdeCelsoAcevedo,encontramostodasycadaunadelasvariantesyversionesdiferentesqueex...

Surface Duo GCam users read this concerning Blog post ...

2022年2月9日 — Surface Duo GCam users read this concerning Blog post by Celso about BSG mods. Camera. This is covered some what in an earlier post here for ...

改善手機拍照品質~ 非官方的Google相機(GCam)APK安裝教學

2023年10月5日 — 如果要下載GCam又擔心病毒的話,可以到Celso Azevedo經營的「GCam Hub」下載,這是蒐羅最多GCam APK的網站,網站APK皆經過Virus Portal掃毒。 GCam Hub的 ...


2023年3月20日 — A través del blog de Celso Acevedo, encontramos todas y cada una de las variantes y versiones diferentes que existen de GCam. Por tanto, será ...

Celso Acevedo Gcam Samsung A13

confight rasa lightroom link confightnya https://www.celsoazevedo.com/files/android/google-camera/f/configs-hasli-02/ #gcam #gcamindonesia #priset ...

[情報] GCam Hub維護者批評OnePlus

2021年1月27日 — Google Camera大站GCam Hub 的創建者Celso今天在網站上發表了新的文章I no longer recommend OnePlus 公開表示他不再推薦OnePlus手機原文: ...

Celso of "celsoazevedo" no longer recommends OnePlus ...

Celso of celsoazevedo no longer recommends OnePlus smartphones for using their GCam. I agree with Celso. It's very disappointing to see the direction that ...

OnePlus + GCam 2x Zoom Question

2021年6月4日 — GCam can't access the full 48MP AFAIK. Will it instead use ... One of the experts in the matter, Celso Azevedo, wrote up a great post about this:.

Google Camera Ports Download

Modified Google Camera ports (Pixel Camera) by BSG, Arnova8G2, BigKaka, Shamim, and others. Download hub for GCam ports.


GCam Port: BSG apks · MGC_6.1.021_V1.apk (BSG, 2018-11-16) · MGC_6.1.021_MI8_V1.apk (BSG, 2018-11-15) · MGC_6.1.013_MI8_FINAL_V1c.apk (BSG, 2018-11-14) · MGC_6.